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Showing posts from August, 2021

AI in India: A Policy Agenda

AI in India: A Policy Agenda Courtesy - Amber Sinha, Elonnai Hickok, and Arindrajit Basu Background Over the last few months, the Centre for Internet and Society has been engaged in the mapping of use and impact of artificial intelligence in health, banking, manufacturing, and governance sectors in India through the development of a case study compendium. Alongside this research, we are examining the impact of Industry 4.0 on jobs and employment and questions related to the future of work in India. We have also been a part of several global conversations on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. The following are a set of recommendations we have arrived out of our research into artificial intelligence, particularly the sectoral case studies focusing on the development and use of artificial intelligence in India. National AI Strategies: A Brief Global Overview Artificial Intelligence is emerging as a central policy issue in several countries. In October 2016, the Oba